Rabbits – Podcast

We are looking forward to the imminent release of Ready Player One, but we doubt anything can match the alternate reality game (ARG) that accompanied Ernest Cline’s DeLorean fueled book tour. The 2017 podcast Rabbits from the Public Radio Alliance focuses on one woman’s gradual investigation of an ARG. We desperately wanted the podcast to lead to another ARG, but, to our knowledge, no one has found a rabbit hole.

While listeners have analyzed the podcast for hidden clues in the background, the closest thing to a bread crumb anyone has found is a website for the in-universe Gatewick Institute. We sent an email to the contact listed on the website and received a cute, automated response reading:

“We are now tracking your participation. We will be in touch shortly.”

It is a cute marketing effort, but none of our members are yet playing Rabbits. We are still on the lookout for wardens.


Many DMS members (and others) have noticed a trend toward dystopian literature in the newspapers we read, meaning that the newspapers read like dystopian literature.  We love the work The Intercept is doing, and we are a big fan of its new podcast, Intercepted.  We especially loved the interview with Seymour Hersh.  Frankly, we were pissed at how the Russian hacking was reported.  The Intercept was on the money the whole time.  Check out the podcast.  These people are writing the survival guide for the new era, and most people have not yet realized it.

Keep the faith.